Ganamba Agro Foundation

Suniryaat Overseas Pvt Ltd Sugarcane Juice Processing

Sugarcane juice processing for Neutraceuticals

Pachora, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra

Basic concept behind this project is…

Major Sugar mills in this area are wind up and farmer stopped farming sugarcane due to fear of demand and monopoly of few working sugar mills.

Also getting lower FRP than government declared FRP.

We have developed a processing technology for sugar cane juice to produce nutraceutical products that can cure Anaemia, remove tar from smokers lungs, improve physical and mental ability of children and young citizens and many more.The processing technology is indigenously developed..The products can serve vast population of anaemia in our country as GOI has launched ANAEMIA MUKT BHARAT mission ,our products will contribute to this mission ingrate way.The young and productive population of our country is suffering from lung disease due to cigarette smoking leading to tar collection in lungs.Our product is able to clean the lungs ,so young population will be saved from morbidity
and mortality.

With rapidly changing scenario of health sector, the future will be of nutraceuticals .Healthy and fit individuals will make the disease insignificant .To cater the huge population of India we need massive infrastructure for producing cost effective and patented unique products .We have developed products to counter two major health issues of our country’s.e Anaemia (reduction in haemoglobin)and lung disease due to smoking of cigarets or pollution .
Government of India has launched mission ANAEMIA MUKT BHARAT. As per govt reports 450 millions people in india are suffering from Anaemia .Massive nutritional supplementation programmes are run by govt . Same is for smokers lung ,which hampers our countries young and productive population badly.
We have developed, tested and now using these supplements for these two major health issues along with other
illness .The sugar cane juice processing technology is developed by us, which will be with us only.
To cater the needs of increasing demands we are setting up project with capacity of 1500 TCD crushing which will give us capability to cater to 1/20 th of the target population.

The plant is being set up at Village Mondhale, Tal Pachora Dist jalgaon . The Sugar cane grower farmers will get benefit of assured purchase of their produce and at higher price than GOI declared MSP.Our project will help to increase the income of farmers in that area. Will generate employment in rural area and boost the financials of the neighbouring villages.

The processing unit is environment friendly ,highest standards of production so export can be done to earn forex.

We are introducing assured rate for the sugarcane
Which create basic change in farmers monthly income.

Title Description
Rate Of Suger cane Rs. 300/- extra than the FRP
Agreement with the farmers buy 100 tone sugarcane from each farmer with guaranteed rate per tone.

Our Team

Dr Shailendra Patil

Dr Shailendra Patil ,Director,is Gold medalist M.S. Orthopaedic surgeon, and founder of laser hemotherapy clinics .He is pioneers in introducing laser technology for healing diseases through laser hemotherapy device he developed .He has developed the nutritional supplements for many disease.’Life without medicine is possible “is his mission .He is bestowed with “Best innovative technology award “for his laser device.

Capt Sunil Pawar Technical head

Capt. Sunil Pawar is engineer by qualification and man behind the processing technology that made the products possible.He has more than 22 years of experience in the field of sugar cane juice processing.has got many award for processing tech and research .

Dr Mamta Patil

Dr Pranav Patil