Ganamba Agro Foundation

Our Work

List of proposed work items

Sugarcane Process Factory

Pachora, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra

Basic concept behind this project is…

Major Sugar mills in this area are wind up and farmer stopped farming sugarcane due to fear of demand and monopoly of few working sugar mills.

Also getting lower FRP than government declared FRP.

We are introducing assured rate for the sugarcane
Which create basic change in farmers monthly income.

Title Description
Rate Of Suger cane Rs. 300/- extra than the FRP
Agreement with the farmers buy 100 tone sugarcane from each farmer with guaranteed rate per tone.

Cold Strorage


Farmers always struggling for rate. Once they go to the market
they sold their farm produce at whatever the rate is. And mediator
take maximum benefit of it.

Many time farmer did not get rate to pay there vehicle fare but he has to bound to sell his crop at market rate. And ultimately his expecting and planning collapse.

We design plan to overcome from this situation.

We buy farmers crop at market rate when its rate is very low and pay immediately his payout at market rate . We store his crops at our cold storage for 1 to 3 month. Once rate for same crop is touch to our decided price, we sold that crop. We deduct our cold storage charges and difference amount will be credited to farmers account directly.

Title Description
Farmer having 1000kg Tomato
Market rate for tomato Rs.3.00 per kg.
Total payout Rs.3000.00
We buy his tomato @ Rs.3.00 per kg
We pay him Rs.30000.00 on spot/bank account
We store 1000ks tomato for further 2 to 3 months.
Market rate reached Rs.12.00 per kg
So 10000kgs tomato(1000*12) @ Rs.12000.00
Our storage cost @ Rs.4000.00
On the same day we transfer @ Rs.5000.00
Total Amount Will Farmer Get @ Rs.8000.00 Instead of Rs.3000.00